Notocrypta paralysos varians: Banded Demon Butterfly

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Notocrypta paralysos, commonly known as the Common Banded Demon, is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae.

Family: Hesperiidae

Subfamily: Hesperiinae

Genus: Notocrypta

Species: paralysos

Subspecies: varians

Common Name: Banded Demon

Extant in countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand

Hostplants: Costus lucanusianus [African Spiral Flag]

The Banded Demon is a small swift-flying skipper and is relatively rare in Singapore. The wings are dark brown/black with a white discal band on the forewings.

Photo: Singapore Zoo, 20140630

Source: Wikipedia, 

Amblyscirtes belli: Bell’s Roadside Skipper


Amblyscirtes belli [Bell’s Roadside Skipper] is a butterfly of the Hesperiidae family

The wingspan is 30–32 mm. Adults are on wing from April to September. There are three generations per year.

Photo: Camblee, GA.[20130901]

Source: Wikipedia

Thorybes pylades: Northern Cloudywing skipper


The wingspan of the Thorybes_pylades is between 32 and 47 mm long. Both male and female have completely dark brown wings except for the small triangular clear spots.

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The northern cloudywing is seen from Nova Scotia west across Canada, south into California and across the rest of the United States. Its habitat consist of open boreal woodlands and forest edges.

Photo: Atlanta Botanical GardenAtlantaGeorgiaUSA  [20130913]

Source: Wikipedia

Hylephila phyleus: Fiery skipper


The Fiery Skipper [Hylephila phyleus] is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae and are approximately 1 inch [2.5 cm] long. The males are orange or yellow with black spots while the females are dark brown with orange or yellow spots. The caterpillars are greenish pink with a black head. The caterpillars are often considered pests and can feed on bermuda grass, creeping bent grass, and St. Augustine grass.

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Fiery skippers, along with all other species of skippers and skipperlings, can hold their wings in “triangle” shape. The forewings are held upright, and the hindwings are folded flat. This position is thought to better absorb the sun’s rays.

Photos: Cecil B. Day Butterfly Center, Callaway Gardens, GA.[20130901]; Chamblee, Georgia, USA [20140807]

Source: Wikipedia

Epargyreus clarus: Silver-spotted Skipper

The Silver-spotted Skipper [Epargyreus clarus] is a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. It claimed to be the most recognized skipper in North America.

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The wingspan of an adult is 43–67 mm. The adult has translucent gold spots on the forewings and silvery bands on the hindwings.

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The adult Silver-spotted skipper occurs in fields, gardens and at forest edges. It ranges from southern Canada throughout most of the United States to northern Mexico; it is absent in the Great Basin and western Texas. Adults fly throughout the warm part of the year. They have one brood per year in the North and West, two in the East, and three or four in the Deep South.

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The larvae feed on legumes, many trees and shrubs but also some herbaceous plants. Their hosts include Lathyrus latifolius [Everlasting Sweet Pea], Asclepias_syriaca [Common Milkweed], Trifolium pratense [Red Clover], Cephalanthus, Liatris, Thistle.

Photos: Candler Park, Atlanta, Georgia, USA [20130812]

Source: Wikipedia

Urbanus proteus: Long-tailed Skipper

The Long-tailed Skipper [Urbanus proteus] is a spread-winged skipper butterfly found throughout tropical and subtropical South America, south to Argentina and north into the southern part of the United States of America. It cannot live in areas with prolonged frost.


^ The white spots on the wings are translucent.

It is a showy butterfly, with wings of light brown tinted with iridescent blue, and two long tails extending from the hindwings. The robust body is light blue dorsally. It has a large head, prominent eyes, and a wingspan between 4.5 and 6 centimeters. The adults feed on nectar from flowers.

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Photos: Burt’s FarmDawsonville, GA, 20120916;  Atlanta Botanical GardenAtlantaGeorgiaUSA  [20130913]

Source: Wikipedia

Udaspes folus: Grass Demon butterfly


Grass Demon resting on a seed pod of  Bakung or Seashore spider lily [Crinum asiaticum]. 

The Grass Demon, Udaspes folus, is a small but prominent butterfly that belongs to the Skippers, or Hesperiidae family.


Grass Demon is a small butterfly with a wingspan of about 4 to 4.8 cm. It is black with a large white spot on the upperside of the hind wing and several smaller whites spots on the forewing. The underside of its wings is mostly white with brown edges and spots.


Range: Sri Lanka, India northeast wards onto Myanmar, China, Southeast Asia and Australia. It is regarded as an occasional pest of ginger and turmeric.

Photos: DFNP, Singapore 20120521

Source: Wikipedia

Pelopidas assamensis: Great Swift butterfly

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Dhoby Ghaut Green [20140713]


HortPark, SG 20120402

This is a skipper or skipper butterfly of the family Hesperiidae. They are named after their quick, darting flight habits. Skippers found in Singapore are generally drab coloured; dark brown, orange with spots and indistinct markings on their wings. Many are small sized and often fly close to the ground.


HortPark, SG 20120402