Nelsonia canescens: Blue Pussyleaf


Nelsonia canescens belongs to the group of annual and biennial plants, is a species in the genus Nelsonia which contains approximately 4 to 6 species and belongs to the family of the Acanthaceae [Genus: Nelsonia; Family: Acanthaceae;  subfamily: Nelsonioideae]. Perennial herb with several trailing stems from a central taproot or rootstock, a ground cover.

Nelsonia canescens is a weedy species. The fresh leaves have a sour lemon-like taste and are often reported to be eaten.

Native: AFRICA.

Naturalized: naturalized elsewhere.

Photo: Gardens by the BaySingapore [20140122, 20140305]

Source: Hortipedia

Medicago polymorpha: Toothed Bur Clover


Medicago polymorpha is a plant species of the genus Medicago. It is native to the Mediterranean basin but found throughout the world. It forms a symbiotic relationship with the bacterium Sinorhizobium medicae, which is capable of nitrogen fixation. Common names include California burclover, toothed bur clover, toothed medic and burr medic.


Being a member of the Leguminosae family, the flowers are clover-like, lipped and clustered. Flowers, 3-6 mm long,  are small, bright yellow, and cluster into flower heads of 2 to 10 flowers at the stem tips.

Photo: AtlantaGeorgiaUSA [20130910]

Source: Wikipedia

Neptunia plena: Water mimosa

Neptunia plena common names include Water mimosa, Water dead and awake, Water sensitive plant.


Water mimosa is an aquatic plant that attaches to the bank at the waters edge and sends down a taproot. It has a special ‘fibrous sponge’  to float. Leaves are olive green and are arranged in opposite pairs along the stem and when disturbed or touched the leaflets close up.


Water mimosa flowers are yellow ball-shaped. Neptunia plena  is planted or occasionally escaped in wet places and native to tropical Americas.

Photos: SBWR, Singapore 20100508; DFNP, Singapore 20120514

Source: Wikipedia ~ Neptunia oleracea

Dissotis rotundifolia: Pink Lady weed


Dissotis rotundifolia also known as Spanish Shawl, Trailing Tibouchina, Dwarf Tibouchina and Pink Lady originally from Tropical West Africa. The name rotundifolia referring to the rounded leaves.


Showy bright pink-purple flowers 2 inches wide and velvet leaves create a special ground cover. It is a slender creeper. The stems are four angled and rooting at the nodes. Everbloomer.

Photos: KTPH Singapore 20120308

Ageratum houstonianum: Flossflower


Ageratum houstonianum also known as Flossflower, Bluemink, Garden Ageratum, Blueweed, Pussy Foot, a low-growing garden plant. Flowers are usually blue though sometimes white, pink, or purple, the heads borne in dense corymbs. The ray flowers are threadlike, leading to the common name. Native to Central America and adjacent parts of Mexico, but has become an invasive weed in other areas.

Photo: SFGreen, Singapore 20120422

Source: Wikipedia

Mimosa pudica: Sensitive Plant, Touch-me-not, Putri Malu

Mimosa pudica [Latin: pudica “shy, bashful or shrinking”]; also called Sensitive Plant and Touch-me-not, is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, re-opening minutes later. The species is native to South America and Central America, but is now a pantropical weed.


Mimosa pudica can form root nodules that are inhabitable by nitrogen fixing bacteria. The bacteria are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen, which plants can not use, into a form that plants can use. This trait is common among plants in the Fabaceae family.


Many common names Sensitive plant, Humble plant, Shameful plant, Sleeping grass, Touch-me-not, Ant-Plant. Other non-English common names include Makahiya [Philippines], Putri Malu [Indonesia; Shy Princess], Pokok Semalu [Malaysian; shy plant].

Photos taken @ AdmPark SG 20120422

Source: Wikipedia