Dendrobium ‘Mohamed Nasheed’ orchid

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This orchid was named after His Excellency Mohamed Nasheed, Then President of the Republic of Maldives on the occasion of his visit to the National Orchid Garden on 28 June 2010.

Dendrobium ‘Mohamed Nasheed’ = Dendrobium ‘Garnet Beauty’ x Dendrobium sutiknoi

Photo: National Orchid Garden, Singapore [20120519]

Source: Wikipedia

Oxalis vulcanicola ‘Burgundy’: Purple Shamrock

Shamrock leaf shape in a deep burgundy hue. A semi trailing form is wonderful for containers or a shady window box. Yellow flowers contrast strikingly well with the burgundy foliage.




Oxalis is the largest genus [800] in the wood-sorrel family Oxalidaceae [approximately 900 known species]. The genus occurs throughout most of the world, except for the polar areas; species diversity is particularly rich in tropical Brazil, Mexico and South Africa.

Many of the species are known as wood sorrels as they have an acidic taste reminiscent of the unrelated sorrel proper [Rumex acetosa]. Some species are called yellow sorrels or pink sorrels after the color of their flowers instead. Other species are colloquially known as false shamrocks, and some called sourgrasses.

Photo: Flower DomeGardens by the BaySingapore 20126029

Source: Wikipedia

Psychopsis Mariposa

Psychopsis or Oncidium?
Genus Psychopsis is an epiphytic orchid of Central and South America formerly included in genus Oncidium.

A group has extremely small pseudobulbs and stiff, erect, solitary leaves. These cylindrical leaves act as a water reserve. They have long racemes with yellow flowers that seem to fan out at the top. Sizes of these orchids can vary from miniature plants of a couple of centimetres to giants with 30 cm-long leaves and racemes of more than one meter long. This genus, known as the Mule-Ears, are classed as Psychopsis.


Psychopsis Mariposa is a primary Psychopsis hybrid [Hybrid Classification: Seed Parent = Psychopsis kalihi [ Psychopsis krameriana × Psychopsis papilio] ; Pollen Parent = Psychopsis papilio]

Photo: National Orchid Garden, Singapore 20120328


The above photo was mentioned in previous post Oncidium: Dancing Lady Orchids as Oncidium Kalihi.


Aristolochia gigantea: Calico flower


HortPark 20120402

Aristolochia gigantea, Brazilian Dutchman’s Pipe, Giant Pelican Flower, is an ornamental plant native to Brazil.


HortPark 20120402

Aggressive Vine. The Aristolochia gigantea will inspire a sense of marvel to anyone who gazes upon it. This truly spectacular blossom produces a pouch that is almost 2 feet long and more than a foot across. Ivory veins network across a burgundy velvet background as the flower unfurls.

The flowers of most Aristolochia species looks like rotting meat and emit an odor to attract flies which act as pollinator. The Aristolochia gigantea is the host plant for the Common Rose butterfly.