Honeybees’s Pollen Basket


SG 20120323
The honeybee has three pairs of segmented legs. The legs of the bee are primarily used for walking. However, honeybee legs have specialized areas such as the antennae cleaners on the forelegs, and the pollen baskets on the hind legs of the worker bees.


A honeybee’s successful forage. Borth hind legs are loaded with bright orange pollen of water lillies. SG 20120320


SG 20120319


A worker honeybee moistens the forelegs with a protruding tongue and brushes the pollen from its head, body and forward appendages to the hind legs. The pollen is transferred to the pollen comb on the hind legs and then combed, pressed, compacted, and transferred to the corbicula on the outside surface of the tibia of the hind legs.

Sources of information:
http://photo.bees.net/gallery/index.php/anatomy_0/thorax/ hind_leg

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