Musa velutina: Pink Fruiting Banana


Musa velutina also known as Pink Fruiting Banana, Velvet Pink Banana, Hairy Banana is a species of seeded banana.


These small banana plants are typically used in the landscape for their ornamental appeal as Musa velutina fruits are 3 inches long, cute looking pink and fuzzy.


Photos: JBP, Singapore 20090319

The fruits are edible if you don’t mind working around the seeds. Delicious sweet small fruits but there are many seeds.

Congea tomentosa: Shower Orchid

Congea tomentosa is a large tropical evergreen vine, commonly referred to as Wooly Congea, Shower Orchid, or Shower of Orchid [despite the name, it is not related to orchids at all]. The actual flowers are tiny and inconspicuous, but they are borne in the center of three showy white or violet 1 inch [2.5 centimeter] long bracts that look like velvety propellers.


It produces sprays of white flowers backed by bracts. The bracts gradually change through pink, lavender and finally gray over the course of several weeks.


Photos: MtF, Singapore 20100314

Source: Wikipedia

Melastoma malabathricum: Straits Rhododendron

Melastoma melabathricum is originated from Tropical Asia, also known as Sendudok [Malay], Pink Tibouchina, Straits Rhododendron, Chinese Wild Peony, Indian rhododendron, Lasiandra, Pink Glory Bush. A beautiful bush makes beautiful garden decoration.

Melastoma melabathricum is a well-known herb in Malaysia,  where its leaves, shoots and roots are prepared in various ways for treatment of different diseases and ailments.


Photo: Singapore 20120323

Calathea loeseneri: Calathea

Calathea loeseneri is native to Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. It has plain large green leaves in an upright rosette, that produce flowers on a leafless stalk topped with inflorescence consist of pink leaf-like bracts that last for several weeks.


Calathea loeseneri has tiny fragile white light pink-purple true flowers.


Photos: SBG Singapore 20120313

Spathoglottis plicata: Ground Orchid


Spathoglottis plicata or Ground orchid, native of Southeast Asia to the Philippines, is the common species of Orchid which blooms round the year.


Spathoglottis plicata has pretty, arching broad leaves with prominent parallel veins and a few or large cluster of small flowers at the end of a long stalk. The flowers can be purple, white, yellow, peach, pink and magenta shades.

Spathoglottis sp. yellow.

Spathoglottis sp. white.

Photos: DFNP, Singapore 20120514, 20120521

Source: Wikipedia

Ardisia elliptica: Sea-shore Ardisia tree

Ardisia elliptica is an evergreen tree, also known as Mata Pelanduk, Sea-Shore Ardisia, Shoebutton Ardisia and ink berry, native to the west coast of India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Southeast Asia and New Guinea.


Photo: SFGreen, Singapore 20120513

Ardisia elliptica is a tropical understory shrub that can reach heights of up 5 meters. Leaves are leathery. Umbellate inflorescences develop in leaf axils of branch leaves. Petals are light pink.


Photo: LNCW, Singapore 20120508

Fruits are drupes that first turn red as they mature and then deep purple/black. Pulp staining fingers a deep purple. The Malays use part of this plant as treatment for chest pain.

Source: Wikipedia

Xanthostemon chrysanthus: Golden Penda tree

Xanthostemon chrysanthus, commonly known as the Golden Penda, is endemic to North Queensland. It is a popular garden plant with showy yellow blooms. The species name is derived from the Ancient Greek words chrysos = golden, and anthos = flower.


Growing as a tree to 10 or 15 m [35–50 ft] high and 5–8 m [15–25 ft] in the wild but generally much more compact in home gardens. The bark is rough and the habit bushy, the shiny green elliptic leaves measuring 7–22 cm long by 2–9.5 cm wide. They are arranged in whorls along the stems.


The flowerheads, or racemes, are terminal or axillary and measure up to 15 cm [6 in] in diameter. They are made up of numerous small [1–2 cm diameter] individual golden flowers. Flowering is followed by small [1-1,5 cm] green or brown woody capsules. Flowers can appear at any time of year.

Here is the Pink Penda tree, taken at Flona 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Photos: SFGreen, Singapore 20120513; Flona 2014, JakartaIndonesia[20140612]

Source: Wikipedia

Heliconia chartacea: Heliconia Pink Flamingo


Heliconia chartacea also known as Heliconia Pink Flamingo and Heliconia Sexy Pink. This Heliconia species is native to the American tropics, mainly found in Guiana and Brazil.


It is a herbaceous plant, with paired large oblong leaves. The flowering stems are pendulous. The bright pink color of the flower bracts is rare among heliconias, making it very easy to identify. The conspicuous pink part of the large and showy hanging inflorescences is actually the waxy bracts, with the small green true flowers half-hidden inside.

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Photos: SBG, Singapore [20120328, 20150326]

Source: Wikipedia

Barringtonia racemosa: Putat kampung

Barringtonia racemosa is a small tree [4-8 m] in the family Lecythidaceae. It is commonly known as the Powder-puff tree and Fish-poison wood. It is found in coastal swamp forests and on the edges of estuaries in the Indian Ocean, starting at the east coast of Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal [South Africa] to Madagascar, India, Srilanka, Southeast Asia, Southern China, northern Australia, the Ryukyu Islands and many Polynesian islands.


This tree is beautifully decorated with dangling clusters of young fruits like baubles.


The flowers have densely packed, silky pink or white stamens that look like powder puffs.


The seeds, bark, wood and roots contain the poison saponin and is used to stun fish. The bark, which also has a high tannin content, is frequently used in powdered form for this purpose.

Photos: AdmPark Singapore 20120503

Source: Wikipedia

Rondeletia leucophylla: Panama Rose

Rondeletia leucophylla also known as Panama Rose, Bush Pentas, originated from Mexico.


Rondeletia leucophylla is a shrub up to 5 ft, flowers are bright-pink with 4 petals in tight clusters. The flowers attract butterflies with nectar. The flowers are sweetly fragrant, especially after sunset.


Photos: DGGreen, Singapore 20110222