Antigonon leptopus: Pretty pink creeper


HortPark, Singapore 20120323

Scientific name: Antigonon leptopus
Common names: Coral Vine, Coral Vine, Chain of Love, Hearts on a Chain, Coral Bells, Queen’s Jewels,Chinese Love Vine, San Miquelito Vine, Coralita, Confederate Vine, Sandwich Island Creeper, Honolulu Creeper, Mexican Creeper, Rose of Montana Vine.
Chinese name: 珊瑚藤 [Shānhú téng], Malay/Indonesian name: Air Mata Pengantin or A Bride’s Tears [of happiness?]


HortPark, Singapore 20120323

Antigonon leptopus is a fast growing climbing vine that holds via tendrils. It has cordate [heart shaped], sometimes triangular leaves, it forms underground tubers and large rootstocks, it is a prolific seed producer.


HortPark, Singapore 20120323

It grows all over town through hedgesovers, arbors, pergolas, and walls. The white variety is Antigonon leptopus Alba. Pink or white both have pretty heart shaped flowers, leaves and fruit pods 🙂