Water apple and Rainbow Lorikeet


Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom, Sentosa, SG 20120407

This colorful bird is not sparkling bright under the Water apple folliage.
The Rainbow Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] is a species of Australasian parrot found in Australia, eastern Indonesia [Maluku and Papua/Western New Guinea], Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.


Eugenia [Syzygium] aquea: Water apple.
Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom, Sentosa, SG 20120407

This fruit tree is known in Southeast Asia by various names.
Malay: jambu chili, jambu ayer, jambu ayer mawar, or jambu penawar
Indonesia: jambu air
Philippine: tambis
Thailand: chom-phu-pa
The flesh is white or pink, mildly fragrant, dry or juicy, crisp or spongy, and usually of sweetish but faint flavor.

Pontederia cordata: Pickerelweed


Pickerelweed is an aquatic plant often found blooming in Singapore ponds. Each established plant sends up a single spike of purple-pink-blue blooms that are attractive to butterflies, bees and sometimes even hummingbirds.


The flowers rather resemble those of a hyacinth and can also be white in color.


Leaves of pickerelweed are heart shaped and up to about 5 inches across. Mostly growing in shallow waters, this plant can reach heights of about 3 to 4 feet. The wide leaves of the plants provide excellent c0ver for a multitude of fish and other pond dwellers.

All photos taken @ Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120215.

Calotropis gigantea: Crown flower


Calotropis gigantea, Crown flower, is a species of Calotropis native to Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and China. It is a large shrub growing to 4 m tall.


Crown flower is one of host plants for Plain Tiger butterfly. It has clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in colour.


Each flower consists of five pointed petals and a small, elegant “crown” rising from the centre, which holds the stamens. The plant has oval, light green leaves and milky stem.

All photos taken @ Dhoby Ghaut Green, Singapore 20110222.
Source: Wikipedia

Michelia champaka: Champak, Cempaka

Michelia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). The genus includes about 50 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, native to tropical and subtropical south and southeast Asia (Indomalaya), including southern China.


Dhoby Ghaut Green, Singapore 20110222.

A tree or shrub which grows from 3 to 6 meters high and wide. Glossy bright green leaves to 16 cm. Produces fragrant orange, yellow, or creamy white flowers.


Dhoby Ghaut Green, Singapore 20110222.

Michelia has several ornamental, commercial and medicinal uses too. For gardeners, it is an excellent choice as a houseplant or as companion plant in landscapes. Commercially, the timber of Michelia is used for almost anything from cabinet-making to firewood and flowers are grown to sell at cut flower shops.


Photo: Internet

The extract from the flowers of Michelia Alba is used in preparation of the famous ‘Joy’ perfume. The white Michelia flower is also the city flower of Shanghai, China. Medicinally, the tree has wide applications; the bark is used to prepare tonic, the oil extracted from flowers is used to cure toughs and rheumatism, and for relieving eye troubles and gout.


Dhoby Ghaut Green, Singapore 20110415.


Hedychium coronarium: Butterfly ginger

Hedychium coronarium also known as White ginger lily, Butterfly ginger, is originally from the Himalayas region of Nepal and India. Butterfly ginger, also called garland flower, has been widely cultivated in tropical Asia for the flowers that give off a prominent sweet fragrance.


Hedychium coronarium coronarium, the national flower of Cuba.
Singapore Botanic Gardens 20120313

As one of the names suggests, the shape of the flowers of this ginger resembles that of a butterfly with its wings spread open.


Hedychium coronarium chrysoleucum
Singapore Botanic Gardens 20120313


For me, the aroma of white ginger lei is a powerful reminder of Hawaii and my Hawaiian friends.
Photo: Internet.

Catochrysops strabo strabo: Forget-me-not butterfly

The Forget-me-not, Catochrysops strabo, is a small butterfly found in Asia that belongs to the Lycaenids or Blues family. The wingspan is 25–30 mm.


Peninsular India south of the outer ranges of the Himalayas; Ceylon; Assam ; Burma; Tenasserim; the Andamans; Nicobars; extending through the Malayan Subregion down to Australia.


Catochrysops strabo strabo
Catochrysops strabo celebensis (Halmahera, Obi)
Catochrysops strabo luzonensis (Philippines)


All photos taken @ Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120412.


Zizula hylax pygmaea: Pygmy Grass Blue butterfly

This Pygmy Grass Blue is incredibly tiny. This Butterfly has a pale creamy brown upperside and light brown and white pattern in the underside. It has a thin brown border on both underside wings and several round and oblong black spots.

They are common in Singapore’s forest, parks & gardens, even in urban gardens.


Zizula hylax pygmaea. Wingspan: 8-10 mm


Zizula hylax pygmaea. Zizula, commonly called grass blues

All photos taken @ Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120412.
Macro Zoom.

Neurothemis fluctuans: Red Grasshawk dragonfly

Neurothemis fluctuans is one of the most common species in Singapore. Widespread in tropical Asia.


One will spot this species easily at open ponds. The male is in red colour but the female is rather dull brown/yellow colour. Wings are almost entirely brownish-red except the tips and a thin tapering clear band around the hind margin from about its midpoint.


All photos taken @ Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120412.
Macro Zoom.

Odonata of Peninsular Malaysia

Murraya paniculata: Orange Jessamine, Kemuning


Murraya paniculata, commonly called Orange Jessamine, is a tropical, evergreen plant bearing small, white, scented flowers, which is grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. Murraya is closely related to Citrus.


Other names of Murraya paniculata are Chinese box, “mock orange”, Mock lime, Satinwood, Kemuning [Indonesian & Malay].

All photos taken @ Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120308.

Source: Wikipedia.

Orthosiphon stamineus: Cat’s Wiskers, Kumis Kucing [Indonesian]


Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120412

It produces long sprays of white or pale mauve flowers with extremely long stamens that are the reason for its English and Indonesian name. Flowers appear all year round. The branches of Cat’s Whiskers are quadrangular. Its leaves are smooth lanceolate shaped with toothed margins.The plants like full sunlight or a partly shaded place with well drained soil.


Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital, Singapore 20120308

In Indonesia ‘Kumis Kucing’ [Cat’s Wiskers, Malay: Misai Kucing] is generally known as a medicinal plant used for treating diabetes, kidney and urinary disorders.