Ardisia elliptica: Sea-shore Ardisia tree

Ardisia elliptica is an evergreen tree, also known as Mata Pelanduk, Sea-Shore Ardisia, Shoebutton Ardisia and ink berry, native to the west coast of India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Southeast Asia and New Guinea.


Photo: SFGreen, Singapore 20120513

Ardisia elliptica is a tropical understory shrub that can reach heights of up 5 meters. Leaves are leathery. Umbellate inflorescences develop in leaf axils of branch leaves. Petals are light pink.


Photo: LNCW, Singapore 20120508

Fruits are drupes that first turn red as they mature and then deep purple/black. Pulp staining fingers a deep purple. The Malays use part of this plant as treatment for chest pain.

Source: Wikipedia